Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Shhhhh! A secret!

Go on the Internet and find out what "nu shu" was. Explain (Student ID).


  1. The words nu shu literally means "Woman's Writing" in Chinese. As the name implies, Nushu is a writing system created and used exclusively by women in a remote part of China. Traditional Chinese culture is male-centered and forbids girls from any kind of formal education, so Nushu was developed in secrecy in meticulous way over hundred of years in the Jiangyong county of Hunan province. I don't know any things about Chinese language, so I get information from the Google for that. 996631

  2. what does NU SHU means is " Woman Writing" the secret language of the Chinese woman. 981389

  3. Nu shu is a syllabic script created and used by women in china. Women in china were forbidden formal education for many centuries so,they developed the nu shu script to communicate with one another.Mothers give the nu shu script to there daughters on there marriage day.So the nu shu was a symbol of expressing hop and sorrow to all the woman in china. That's my way of seeing the nu shu. #993475

  4. Nu shu means "women's writting" it was used among women in a province of southern china.

  5. Nu shu means "women's writing" is a Chinese secret language 986605

  6. The NĂ¼ shu script is used to write a local dialect use for women because long time ago in China the women didn't have the same access to education as a boys 987923

  7. 762632
    Nu shu literally means "women's writing" in the province of southern.

  8. nu shu is the secred writing of the women in ancient chinese times when women were forbidden to be educated for many centuries.

  9. Nu Shu is one of the most interesting language in China, and it also is one of the least known in the world. Nu Shu is a literacy language used by 15th and it was used only by women. When Chinese culture forbid women from any kind of education, the women development a new language secrecy for hundred of years in the Jiangyong county of Hunan province. 997224 JA

  10. The exact definition of Nu Shu is " Woman's Writing" Nu Shu was a secret writing system created by women in a rural area of China, it was exclusive for their use only. This was a decision made off the fact that Traditional Chinese culture revolves around the male gender and that forbade females to recieve any formal education.

  11. nu shu is the language used by woman in china when it was forbidden to give woman any kind of education, it was also sometimes pass down from mother to daughter. nu shu also means woman writting it also had around 1000 to 1500 characters. You also write it from top to bottom and from right to left.

  12. Nu Shu is a Hidden Language of Women in China.Women were forbidden to get any kind of education,therefore they invented their language about a hundred of years ago in the Jiangyong county of Hunan province.By the ritual Chineese women used to give "Nu Shu" to their daughters on the wedding day.
